
and beyond


Malevolent Risk Category

Did you know Poltergeist cases are not just simply 'Poltergeists' .

No matter how many programs on Poltergeist shown, Poltergeists are totally misunderstood. Whenever you encounter any poltergeist activity you have to observe, study and dissect all the information given in order to act upon its arrival.

This to decide which of Ralphs Malevolent Rated Category it sits within, in order to deal with it


Poltergeist story

As with any person in life we have skills at different levels, and given a title for each . We also get angry at different times and with different levels of reaction.

Poltergeists are one of the most misunderstood parts of the paranormal world. Given only one category in all cases, which is just not the case!

Ralphs Malevolent Risk Categories

Level 4

Low Risk - Benevolent - Most common

Level 3

Medium risk - Non Threatening

Level 2

Rare cases - Life threatening

Level 1

Extremely Rare - Life changing

Ralphs Malevolent

Risk Categories

There are FOUR main 'Malevolent Risk Categories' to consider 4, 3, 2, and 1. Each MR Category has sub categories, this therefore is a guide. Most hauntings, activities and spirit contact start in the Malevolent Risk

Category 4. The differences between each MR Category is significant, therefore it is fair

to say 90% of contact you have is within the MR CAT 4.

Activities such as movement and touch can escalate into a more serious nature

and move into the next MR Category 3.

Within MR Category 2, activity goes beyond normal rationality of ghost hunting,

paranormal or spiritual interventions.

We will not disclose the full content of MR Category 1. Needless to say these

are rare events but dangerous.

Exorcist diaries

Level 4 Low Risk.

Benevolent - Common Poltergeist - 'Noisy Ghost'

Low level, most commonly associated with low energy noisy ghost.

Activity will include noises, sounds, vocal connections, thoughts or inner voices, random sightings, air movements, electrical impulses, and bodily sensations

Feelings, sensations and more.

Most people will feel a change within their sensory perceptions, electrical monitoring equipment affected and rooms having light changes (dark/Light) etc.

Communicating on all levels.

These energies are communication to you, generally thought of as friendly signs. As an example, a person may feel the bed being sat on or moved. This spiritual energy created at low levels to simply communicate a presence.

Level 3 Medium Risk.

Indirect /Direct - Non Threatening - Visual appearance

Objects moved, Psychical contact, Direct communication, some intellect

Makes Direct contact of no harm.

Higher level energy in frequency, aimed at one person or pair. Objects large or small propelled towards individual or group, but not at people. Doors or heavy objects held, moved or hit to create loud noises.

About visual impact., but non threatening

This level 3 is aimed at visual impact. Where objects are visually moved, Noise levels are increased. Often voices near the ear or designed to affect people. Air movements are directed at the recipient, whether hot or cold.

Psychical contact is non harming

Psychical contact results in scratches or pushes at various levels. Not threatening behaviour but more obtrusive or dysfunctional in design.

Interview Exorcist Ralph Keeton
Medium Ralph Keeton

Level 2 High Risk - Rare - Limited in cases

Purposefully Direct - High level psychical and mental abuse

Visually tormenting - High Harm risk factor

Objects directed at persons, Direct psychical harm and contact

Direct communication, Intelligence shown.


Instant reactions to all challenges. Psychical presence more aware, Objects or items propelled directly at persons with intent to harm.


Subject disharmony ranging from electrical failures, items breaking, Objects exploding, Objects become missing, human interaction is argumentative and nervous.

Dangerous harm

Severe restrictions to health, mental anguish high, Psychical damage to muscles, Violent Fast and intensive reactions designed to harm and shock. At this level the types of severity vary from person to person with life affecting alterations guaranteed.

The final category is extremely rare.

It is the most dangerous and life threatening

Level 1 Severe High Risk - Very Rare

Extreme danger to life - Harmful life changing

Purposefully Direct - Visually tormenting

High psychical, mental abuse, harm risk factor

Objects are directed at persons, Direct psychical harm and contact intended. Direct communication with high Intelligence shown.

Caution to be observed at all times, even when not in direct contact.

By the nature of this form of spiritual energy being present you are dealing with a truly reactive dangerous energy. They focus on personal weak points and drive home their own abilities above your own. Dissipation, removal, casting out and blocking of these spiritual energies require one on one personal dealings. NOTE: THEY NEVER WORK SOLITARY.

This category is above anyone's expectations and requires time to deal with. These energies have little regard to human life form, material or mechanical belongings. Life WILL change for anyone suffering this level or dealing with these highly intellectual and ever changing spiritual energies who intention is purely destruction. Given a MR CAT 1, is sub divided into two levels. Each require caution and extreme care. YOU MUST NEVER WORK ALONE

Ralph Keeton exorcist book

Ralph's malevolent risk categories

Removal exorcism ralph keeton

Undoubtedly one of the most talked about subjects in the paranormal world. Yet one that is often thought of as evil, and in many cases it is not!

Poltergeists develop as you develop your skills, they unfortunately for you generally know how you are going to react.

Understanding which risk category you are dealing with, helps evolve your strategy to concluding a result comfortable for all.

You can never fully remove any spiritual energy, you can bar them.

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